
Admin Services

Administrative Customer Services serves as the first point of contact for all businesses and residents contacting the city for utilities, permitting and municipal court.


The Administration Department is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City.

City Council

The Mayor and 5 at-large Council Members form the governing body of the City of Hudson Oaks.

Community Engagement

The Community Engagement Department is responsible for connecting with COHO residents and businesses to build a strong local community.

Municipal Court

The Municipal Court processes all fines and fees issued by the City of Hudson Oaks.

Planning & Development

Planning & Development manages the development process (permitting, platting, etc.) and economic development (recruitment, retention).


Hudson Oaks Police Department strives to provide a safe environment for residents, businesses, and visitors.

Public Works

Public Works is responsible for the operations of the City's water and sewer services and coordinates with regional partners to develop long-term, sustainable water resource plans.