Animal Control Animal Control is handled by Weatherford/Parker County. In the event of an animal-related emergency, such as severe animal bite or injury, call 911.
Business Directory Check out our categorized list of all the businesses in Hudson Oaks. Come support our community!
Branch Out Newsletter Series The Branch Out Newsletter keeps the Hudson Oaks residents updated on what is happening in our community.
Emergency Alerts - Blackboard Connect Sign up to receive emergency notifications and general callouts via email, phone call, or text.
Planning & Zoning Commission The Planning and Zoning Commission is comprised of seven members serving two year staggered terms. Learn about the Commission's responsibilities.
2021 Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is the City's blueprint for how Hudson Oaks will develop in the future and what our services, events, and goals will be over the coming years.
Transparency Initiative Find information about the City's finances as well as how to connect with staff and elected officials.
Utilities Set up or close your utilities account, view water rates and water quality reports get information about trash and recycling and much more.
City Action Request Submit a request for action for public safety, streets & drainage, utilities and more.