Residential Water Rates

Hudson Oaks is proud to offer among the lowest water rates in Parker County. Approved as needed by the City Council, the current rate table is as follows:

How is my utility bill calculated?

In general, a residential customer with a 0.75 inch meter in the Hudson Oaks Water System consuming 10,000 gallons of water per billing cycle would be charged the following:

Item Amount
Meter Charge $46.70
Consumption ((5,000/1,000)*$4.72) + ((5,000/1,000)*$5.45) $50.85
Trash Service* $18.33
Upper Trinity Groundwater District ((10,000/1,000)*$0.22) $2.20
Sewer Charge** $37.12
Stormwater Charge $5.60
Total Utility Bill $160.80

*Based on trash and recycling service only. A trash bin is an additional $3.15/month
**Based on a winter average of 4,000 gallons

Residential Water Rates (Hudson Oaks)

Base Rate (Meter Charge)

Meter Size Monthly Fee
0.75 inches $46.70
1.00 inches $88.84
1.50 inches $130.99
2.00 inches $279.06
3.00 inches $341.71


Consumption Rates (Usage)

Monthly Consumption (gallons) Monthly Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
0-5,000 $4.72
5,001-10,000 $5.45
10,001-30,000 $6.97
30,001-60,000 $8.34
 60,001+ $9.97

Dyegard Water Rates

Consumption Rates (Usage)

Monthly Consumption (gallons) Monthly Rate (per 1,000 gallons)
0-5,000 $4.72
5,001-10,000 $5.45
10,001-30,000 $6.97
30,001-60,000 $8.34
 60,001+ $9.97

Consumption Rates (Usage)

Meter Size Monthly Fee
0.75 inches $59.50
1.00 inches $82.00
1.50 inches $119.00
2.00 inches $215.00