01-13-2023 City of Hudson Oaks Water Notice(PDF, 94KB)
Beginning the week of May 8, 2023, the City of Hudson Oaks will be utilizing Fort Worth water. This transition could result in pressure changes and temporary changes in the appearance of the water, as our water operators flush lines, adjust valves and regulate pressure throughout this week. Please call the City of Hudson Oaks at 682-229-2400 if you have questions related to the water pressure or quality.
On January 13th, 2023, the City of Hudson Oaks began to transition to chloramine as our water disinfectant. The reasoning for the change is the completion of the Fort Worth water line which will require the City of Hudson Oaks to convert our current chlorine disinfection to chloramine (which is being used by Fort Worth). For more information on chloramine usage, please visit the EPA website.
Water security is an issue that is of dire importance in most cities, but especially Parker County. With this Fort Worth connection, the City of Hudson Oaks secures water for our growing needs.
There will be no rate changes.
There will be no changes in the quality of your water, if you feel the water quality has changed, please contact the city.
No, the city has taken the necessary steps to ensure the water is safe for consumption.
The hardness of the water will change (decreasing hardness). You may have to retest your water and possibly adjust your water softener settings.
There will be little to no change in pressure. Any changes will be in lower elevation areas. If you have questions or concerns about your pressure please contact the city.
The City of Hudson Oaks will still utilize existing wells, however, the primary source of water moving forward will be Fort Worth. The goal will be to maintain the Weatherford connection for emergency uses only.
The City of Hudson Oaks is committed to providing the best drinking water possible, there will be no quality changes to your drinking water.